List Of Staff's Working Schedule |
Staff Name |
Working Schedule |
Professor Liao |
Management Operation |
Miss Chang |
1.Center staff leave and overtime print and online sign-off 2.Document proofreading and online sign-off 3.Electronic Document window as the center and receive documents 4.This paper documents and electronic document processing system (NPO) type 5.Director responsible for travel arrangements and reservations 6.Assist supervisor, mechanic workers accounting system to write off National Travel Card 7.As the official mail and File Transfer Window 8.Handle matters Sport Steering Committee 9.Processing center meeting matters 10.Comments will be taught to handle matters relating to the meeting 11.Appointment and part-time teacher of Physical handle matters Shengdeng 12.Apply for project staff Appointment Matters 13.Report of the Executive Council aggregated center 14.Report of aggregated school meeting 15.Sports Center property management and property inventory and scrap assistance 16.Sports Center office stationery please purchase and cancellation 17.Temporary matters entrusted |
Ass.Professor Lee |
1. Planning and supervision of school sports 2. The outside of the campus planning and supervision of athletic competition 3. Selection of training the student movement of the team, management, competition and the appointment of coach 4. Planning Group's annual teaching activities calendar 5. The budget group planning teaching activities and supervision 6. Supervision of PE teachers training, learning, training related matters 7. Supervision of Physical Education related businesses 8. Temporary matters entrusted |
Miss Lin |
1. Physical Education curriculum 2. PE teachers leave, substitute arrangements, remedial arrangements and other matters 3. The implementation of teaching poll 4. Physical fitness test data analysis and aggregated 5. The final grade sports teams aggregated 6. Appointment of Teachers assist sports, education and other administrative work Shengdeng 7. Motion merit students enrollment, counseling matters 8. Sports Publications compilation 9. sports-related publications and teaching video management 10.Temporary matters entrusted |
Miss Yu |
1. The celebration of the Games planning 2. inside and outside the athletic competition of planning 3. The group school team training, management, competition matters Controls 4. teaching activities Group Group annual budgeting and execution 5. Appointment of the External execution trainer 6. The sports coaches, referees Studies Course 7. Teaching activity group annual work planning calendar items 8. Temporary matters entrusted |
Dep.Professor Chen |
1. Planning Operations Development Group Annual Calendar 2. Each stadiums open management, operation, and marketing planning 3. To supervise the planning of sports training 4. The school authorities commissioned the various sports activities in the planning and supervision 5. Planning of activities to promote sports center and supervision 6. The combination of school, sports and leisure outside resources 7. Provisional matters entrusted |
Miss Khoo |
1. Trading Development Group to develop a calendar year 2. The operating activities of the sports center plan 3. Small athlete winter sports recreational camp activities planning the curriculum 4. Force auxiliary camp of team recruitment and training 5. The promotion of sports training 6. Start summer swimming training courses 7. The planning of sports instructor training 8. Teachers motion train curriculum design and planning 9. Physical assist small country near swimming lessons 10. Volunteer military officer to handle military recruiting soldiers squad fitness detection 11. Ministry of Education, Sports Department contractors subsidy program planning activities 12. Physical Activity Planning and handle 12. The inside and outside of the unit commissioned 13. Movement Story House Project Planning and Development and Executive Management 14. Apply motion to write off expenses related to Storyland 15. Training and management personnel movement Storyland navigation experience with the project 16. Transact business, civil society and relevant cooperation plan proposal 17. Temporary matters entrusted |
Miss Peng |
1. Department of reorganization sports center column pre-budget estimates 2. Sports Centre funds control, verification 3. stadiums funds management and control, the balance of payments reporting 4. Experience volumes venues, admission tickets management planning and design 5. Management of souvenirs 6. stadiums and sports Storyland reported tax payment for the account 7. Cash and ticket management and custody 8. Motion Story House project planning and development, project execution management, inventory and goods inventory and accounting transactions 9. Counter Administrative Assistant training and learning control 10. Assist management Sports Center fitness testing room 11. Apply motion to write off expenses related to Storyland 12. Training and management personnel movement Storyland navigation experience with the project 13. Temporary matters entrusted |
Ass.Professor Wu |
1. Planning Site Equipment Group's annual calendar 2. stadiums and venues planning and monitoring equipment 3. The venue administrator in charge of the work of the Steering 4. venues venue and equipment repair, construction, purchase the planning and supervision 5. Temporary matters entrusted |
Mr. Chen |
1. Intramural sports venues venues and facilities planning and maintenance. 2. Repair and maintenance of Intramural sport facility and new equipment. 3. Archery field management and maintenance of equipment. 4. Management equipment borrowing system. 5. Assisting in procurement of service. 6. Official documents processing. 7. Assisting in scheduling and organization in sports facilities section. 8. Assisting in procurement of teaching equipment and venues opening. 9. Temporary assigned matters. |
Miss Tseng |
1. Assist in planning proposals and projects which are related to affairs of Physical Education Center 2. Sports venues and facilities to handle Rental 3. Contact staff of official documents processing 4. Assisting in planning the annual work plan template of sports facilities section 5. Arranging the conference information and documents of sports facilities section 6. Budgetary estimate 7. Public liability insurance 9. Processing of construction and repairing of intramural sport venues 10. Stadiums fees and opening hours of operating the formulation 11. Temporary assigned matters |
Mr. Wang |
1. Operating and managing multiple conference room. 2. Operating and maintenance of bowling alley. 3. Managing and training student employees of bowling alley. 4. Managing and maintenance of minor gymnasium facilities. 5. Customer suggestion box. 6. Managing and arranging the work of cleaning staff. 7. Assisting in equipment borrowing (substitute 1). 8. Assisting in a variety of sport activities. 9. Temporary assigned matters. |
Mr. Jiang |
1. Managing and maintenance of soccer and softball field. 2. Maintenance and procurement of fitness room facilities. 3. Maintenance and operation of air conditioning, hydroelectric, and firefighting facilities. 4. Assisting in a variety of sport activities. 5. Temporary assigned matters. |
Mr. Liu |
1. Management and operation of golf driving range facilities and equipment. 2. The golf driving range equipment maintenance. 3. Managing and training student employees of golf driving range. 4. Assisting in a variety of sport activities. 5. Delivering official documents (substitute 2). 6. Temporary assigned matters. |
Mr. Huang |
1. Maintenance and operation of outdoor basketball volley courts equipment and facilities. 2. Maintenance and operation of tennis courts equipment and facilities. 3. Maintenance of sport equipment and managing the equipment room. 4. Delivering official documents. 5. Collecting incomes of coin-operated lighting equipment. 6. Assisting in a variety of sport activities. 7. Temporary assigned matters. |
Mr. Luo |
1. Maintenance and operation of track-and-field ground equipment and facilities. 2. Supervising the conditions of operation and lifeguards in swimming pool. 3. Maintenance and operation of sports facilities and hydropower equipment in swimming hall. 4. Assisting in a variety of sport activities. 5. Temporary assigned matters. |